Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Catcher in the Rye Essay

Catcher in the rye essay can be ordered directly from These essays have been written by freelance writers who have gone through the novel several times and did also use the novel as a literary text during their school days. For writers to develop essay on a book effectively, he/she must go through the book thrice or four times in order to understand the theme, the roles of different characters and the book settings. 
Catcher in the rye synopsis talks about, “coming of age” because of the main character in the novel (Holden) who struggles to overcome the reality that he is slowly shifting away from teenage to adulthood. The novel is considered coming of age simply because of the many situations such as vast signs of immaturity at diverse levels, the main character having problems with accepting the society and lastly living in denial.
Novel based essays are usually tricky to develop since messing up with one concept may render the whole essay obsolete. Essay topics for catcher in the rye novel can be given by the tutor or the students may have the freedom of coming up with the essay topic which they deem fit. Immaturity and lack of emotional strength is seen as part of Holden’s struggle towards becoming an adult. 
This is well portrayed in the novel when Holden feels uncomfortable with a thought or a situation, when Holden talks about the death of his younger sibling, whenever Holden feels lonely and is wandering past the lonely streets or when people surround Holden he feels uncomfortable and puts his hunting hat on so that he may appear different from other individuals in the world.