Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Racial Profiling

Imagine yourself at an airport, on your way to a rush to New York City. You’ve already been patted pull down more “efficiently” than others and stared at by mostly everyone you look towards. The security condom who was patting you down asks harshly for you and your family to step aside for further searching, you ask why, and the guard tells you it is a random search. Out of everyone, you notice another soulfulness being pulled out who looks to be of a middle(a) east descent, just as yourself. Almost everyone, Whites, Blacks, or Hispanics, looks at you with anger. subsequently 9/11, more people who look as if they’re Muslim, or discombobulate a Muslim name exact been targeted from everything from traffic stops, to F.B.I. questioning, or by airport security. This is considered a young day witch hunt because people who are substance easterly are being bullied, slandered, even as extreme as being slaughtered. The “war on terror” is fine-looking the States the acknowledgement to undermine people of the Middle Eastern descent. Muslims are the perceived enemy for America. The media is basically showing America brown men with turbans and stating that these people are terrorists. “The cartoons show a man with a turban that [has] a bomb. They are proverb that he is the root of terrorism around the globe.

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They are truism that to fight terrorism, you have to fight this man. They are enounceing you have to root out Islam.” (Choonara) The media influences Americans to think every person who looks Middle Eastern and/or wears a turban is a threat. So out of public fear comes hatred. Where there’s hatred, there’s violence. There’s an estimated 1,000 deaths last year ascribable to this hatred. Another example of this mistreatment is the “random” checks conducted by the airport security. “Having travelled on 40 flights since that fateful day, I've had the chance to describe how these "random" checks are being done. And I can say without fear of contradiction that the only time randomness comes into bump is on those flights where... If you want to get a full essay, outrank it on our website: Orderessay

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